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Acoustic (Popcorn) Ceiling Removal Services in Arizona

Whether you bought a new home, are ready to remodel, or want a fresh new look for your home, call Perfect Patch & Painting for acoustic (popcorn) ceiling removal in Arizona.

Acoustic removal, or popcorn removal, is a process used to remove acoustic material from walls and ceilings in order to bring them up to code. Perfect Patch & Painting provides acoustic removal services using the latest methods and materials available. Our experienced technicians will carefully inspect your walls and ceilings for acoustic buildup, then use our state-of-the-art acoustic removal methods to safely and effectively remove the acoustic material. We utilize specialized techniques that are proven to achieve superior results, ensuring that your walls and ceilings meet all safety regulations and look great for years to come.

A man is using a tool to remove paint from a ceiling.

Expert Arizona Acoustic (Popcorn) Ceiling Removal Service

With Perfect Patch & Painting’s acoustic removal services you can rest assured that your property is safe and up-to-date. Contact us today to learn more about acoustic removal and how we can help you.

Get Started

After you complete your quote and estimate request, we will schedule an appointment to review your project and determine the cost, timeline, and needs to complete the job.

Acoustic Ceiling Removal

After the initial appointment, we can schedule your work, and we will quickly and safely remove the acoustic material from the ceiling without creating any damage. After this process, we can work to repair any surfaces, prime, and paint.

Final Walk Through

Once we have completed your project, we will go over every detail to ensure you love your new ceiling! Our first priority is that you are completely satisfied with how your project turned out, and I will ensure that you are 100% happy with your new ceiling.